About the Journal

The International Journal of Applied Technology Research (IJATR), an academic journal in engineering and technology, was published by Bandung State Polytechnic, Indonesia. This OPEN ACCESS Journal aims to encourage and stimulate the exchange of discourse among professionals and academics around the world on issues of applied technology research. IJATR welcomes articles in all areas of engineering and technology research, both applied and theoretical. In the academic papers, it must provide a clear link to some important and exciting engineering and technology applications. The journal regularly publishes two issues a year in April and October. Starting in 2024, the journal will publish three times a year, in February, June, and October. The IJATR accepts and reviews only manuscripts that have not previously been published in another language and are not subject to scrutiny for future publication in other journals. This journal is an open-access journal that can be essential for academic researchers and professional engineers. Articles may include but are not limited to the fields of:

  • Mechanical engineering
  • Information and electronic engineering
  • Chemical engineering
  • Metallurgical and Materials engineering
  • Energy engineering
  • Civil engineering
  • Architecture engineering
  • Environmental engineering
  • Other related fields


Types of Publication

The IJATR accepts the following forms of publications:

  • Regular article

Regular articles should generally be between 4000 to 8000 words. However, prominent research articles with more than 8000 words are highly welcome. There will also be a discussion of longer or shorter writings. The regular reports and the Research Notes, and Case Studies, are subjects to a double-blind review. At least two anonymous reviewers will review them.

  • Research note

A research note is a discussion note intended to advance a new business idea, theoretical perspective, research program, or methodological issues. There is no specific format for a research note. It only depends on the author's requirement to decide the suitable form for the subject being discussed. Research notes should typically have around 1500 to 2500 words

  • Case study

A case study of best business practices should usually have around 1000 to2500 words. These contributions are predominantly oriented to practical use and are not expected to develop further theoretical knowledge in the engineering field. It is intended to show how theoretical concepts find their application in engineering enterprises instead of a case study

  • Book review

It should be up to 2000 words and contain the following information: author(s) or editor(s) for edited books, title, publisher, ISBN, year of publication, number of pages, original language of publication, resume of the content, and how this book contributes to engineering knowledge.

  • Editorial

Editorial is written by Editorial Board Members or Invited Guest Editors on various current subjects of interest to the journal readership and should be within the journal's scope. It may be supported by tables and graphs if necessary. It follows the title, authors and their affiliations, corresponding author details, text description and analyses, conclusion, and references.