This issue has been available online since 1st October 2023 for the regular issue of October 2023. All articles in this issue (7 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 35 authors from 3 countries (Taiwan, Malaysia, and Indonesia).


Published: 2023-09-30


Numerical Study of Thermal Comfort Evaluation in Naturally Ventilated Classrooms

Bowo Yuli Prasetyo, Rizki Muliawan, Andini Luthfiyyah Afifah, Fujen Wang
Abstract 242 | PDF Downloads 182 | DOI

Experimental Investigation on PM10 and PM2.5 Concentrations in North Bandung

Ismail Wellid, Nita Nurfitriani, Muhamad Anda Falahuddin, Luga Martin Simbolon, Cecep Sunardi, Neneng Nuryati, Mohamad Firdaus bin Sukri
Abstract 172 | PDF Downloads 119 | DOI

Efforts of Community Adaptation to Deal with Rob Floods on The Meulaboh Coastline

Dian Febrianti, Zakia Zakia, Meylis Safriani, M. Faisi Ikhwali, Muhammad Zakki Husaini, Wisnu Prayogo, Nanda Savira Ersa, Teuku Farizal
Abstract 300 | PDF Downloads 166 | DOI

Analysis of Selection of Alternative Materials Outer Support Solar Water Heater

Destri Muliastri, Aldi Alfares, Emsa Ayudia Putri
Abstract 117 | PDF Downloads 75 | DOI

Numerical Study of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airflow Around NACA 0012 and NACA 4412 Airfoils at Re = 170000

Maria Fransisca Soetanto, Sugianto Sugianto, Budi Hartono, M Rizki Z
Abstract 353 | PDF Downloads 379 | DOI

Agglomeration Decrement from Nanocellulose Synthesis by adding PVA Capping Agent

Endang Kusumawati, irwan hidayatulloh, Lidya Elizabeth
Abstract 144 | PDF Downloads 106 | DOI

Design Of Generator Test Equipment With Microcontroller-Based Dummy Load Heating Element With Fuzzy Logic Method

Toto Tohir, Baisrum Baisrum, Pahreza Ridwan Putra, sofyan muhammad ilman, Febi Ariefka Septian Putra, Endang Habinuddin
Abstract 181 | PDF Downloads 153 | DOI

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